Carrie Wildes Photography

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Bayleigh Senior Portraits

This is an extra special senior portrait session because Bayleigh is my niece.  I have 12 nieces and nephews, and she is the oldest.  I've known her since she was 2 years old, she was a flower girl in our wedding and I can't believe she is about to start her senior year!  She's really good at makeup and Instagram selfies, but I wanted to also take some photos of the Bayleigh I know.   A wild mane, no makeup and jeans and sweatshirt which she was totally down for.   Her freshman year of high school she attended Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and after the shooting happened she is a student that is fighting for the #neveragainmovement.  She spent the week following the shooting actually in Parkland, attending memorials, vigils, viewings, and funerals.  After coming back to her high school in North Florida where she attends now, she and her friends organized a 30 minute assembly where she gave a speech to 500+ students.  I have to say, I'm so proud of her for taking action and doing something that will make a difference for students to come.  My 2 little girls are 4 years old, they call her Aunt B (because Bayleigh said she's too old to be their cousin:-).  I dream of a time for my girls when we as parents and kids don't have to worry that a shooter is going to barge into their school and take innocent lives.  That's not a fear I had to have growing up, the only drills we had were fire drills and tornado drills.  So, please keep speaking out and taking action on the things you are passionate about and what to change it can and will make a difference!